Hi there!!, I am a front-end developer feel free to explore my portfolio


image of the project


Detailed explanation cant be given here for the sake of confidentiality

image of the project

A website for shortening long url links

The above project was built by myself in partcipating in the front end mentor challenge. the projects help users convert long url into shortened links

image of the project

A Weather Application

A weather application i built using React js, functionalities include rendering real life weather data from an external Api (open weather), functionality include a note area for users to keep tab of their important note. The note section was built with full crud functionalities as well. other functionalities include looking up real time weather forcast of cities, a one time propmt that ask users to give permission to access their location so as to render data pertaining to their location when they visit the site for the first time, as we as a mark as favourite option.

image of the project

Contact Us Page Design

The project above is a collaboration work by me and some of my collegues, and i was given the task of creating and designing the contact us page which was done to match the theme of the site. For futher explanation click the link in the discription below.

image of the project

An Intercative Table to fetch Users Data From a Fake Api

The Project above make use of javascript to automate the process of rendering users data from a fake API(JASONPlaceholder), the site is also responsive.

image of the project

SayIT Whistleblowing solution platform

The above project was built by I and my team members and we look to tackle the problem faced by every potential whistleblower by providing for them a safe haven where they can come and make report while keeping in mind that their identity is been protected. I particularly worked on the landing page as well as the agent/agency section of the site. The site is not mobile freindly yet so visit using larger screens like laptops and desktops. Note: You can perform basic actions like signUp, signIn, make report and view report. To access the agent/agency dashboard kindly make a report to the particular agency and use the provided login to interact with the agent face of the website.

For Federal Road and Safety Commision (FRSC) Agent_ID:#FRSCFunmiBankole Agent_Login_Password: frscagency


For Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) Agent_ID:#EFCCComradeBayo Agent_Login_Password: nigeriaefcc